About Us

Our Raw Material Source

There are many different names for raw material humate (Leonardite, Lignite, Humalite, Brown Coal and Sub-bituminous Coal), but they are all essentially referring to the same thing. The key differences are generally the age and location of the raw humate sources, the levels of weathering, heavy metal content, and of course, humic and fulvic concentration levels.

Our raw material humate is a weathered, oxidized sub-bituminous coal that is mined from an ancient freshwater peat bog in North America. Our raw material source is one of the only known ancient freshwater sources on the planet that contains high concentrations of humic and fulvic acids.  Because of its age and location, it possesses extremely low levels of heavy metals and high concentrations of functional carbons. Simply put… our raw material source is considered among the best in the world when compared with any of our competitors.

Spray Drying Technology

The final step in our process is to remove the moisture from the extracted humate solution.  We accomplish this by using the most advanced and dynamic spray-drying technology.  For a brief 3 to 5 seconds, at proper temperatures that don’t exceed 475 degrees, (to not degrade or denature the product), we remove the moisture creating an ultra-fine potassium humate powder that contains high concentrations of activated functional carbons.  As a result of spray drying, the chief most distinguishable quality of our potassium humate is its vastly superior solubility and signature when compared to other extracted humates.

Patented Granulation Technology

Many of our competitors claim to offer a “soluble granule”. However, none of them can offer a truly 100% soluble granule without the use of additives or binders.  At HGS we developed and patented a manufacturing process which converts our 100% soluble potassium humate powder (Humi[K] WSP) into a 100% Soluble Granule without the use of any additives whatsoever. It is perfect for dry blending with N-P-K fertilizers or conversion to liquid.  As a result of our manufacturing processes and with its special zone of impact, our patented Humi[K] Granule is superior to other humate granular products on the market.

Solubility & Polydispersity

Dr. Mir Seyedbagheri (Our Director of Research and Development) has conducted various studies on raw unprocessed humates for approximately 36 years and still has a 27-year-old sample in his lab, that has never dissolved in water. The situation is similar in the soil, albeit with different underlying dynamics. Raw unprocessed humates may eventually dissolve, but it’s over a significantly longer period of time.

However, when we extract the humic substances from the raw material humate through our wet chemistry process, we are releasing (ionizing) the bound molecules from their current state and exposing the functional groups of the molecule (carboxyl, phenol, hydroxyl, ketone, ester, ether and amine). By doing so, we are essentially activating the molecules so they can chelate complex, and buffer nutrients more effectively. Additionally, the extracted humic substances are highly polydispersive, meaning they can easily move throughout the soil to bond with clay particles creating micropores in which microbes, roots, water, and nutrients can reside. These processes promote aggregate stability and a much healthier overall soil structure in which the crop can grow.  Micropores enhance mass flow, root interception, and diffusion, which impact N, P, and K translocation to the plants.

It’s important to note that overall solubility and polydispersity are excellent initial indicators of a quality activated functional carbon.  For additional quality comparison, a content analysis from an accredited laboratory is recommended.

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